Investing better

1st Independent Financial Advisory firm in Andorra, member of Adefi
1st Independent Financial Advisory firm in Andorra, member of Adefi
1st andorran IFA firm signatory of Principles for Responsible Investment
1st andorran IFA firm signatory of Principles for Responsible Investment
1st andorran firm member of the European Federation of Financial Advisors and Intermediaries
1st andorran firm member of the European Federation of Financial Advisors and Intermediaries
1st andorran firm signatory of the Global Investor Agenda for the Climate crisis
1st andorran firm signatory of the Global Investor Agenda for the Climate crisis


Founded in 2010, we are the first independent financial advisory firm in Andorra,
authorised and supervised by the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA)
Register number ASF-01/10


Investing better requires:

Being at Client’s side, as well as on Client’s side

Understanding investments, as well as understanding investors

Investing for value, as well as with Values

Having firm principles, as well as adapting to changes

Integrating technological innovation, as well as best practices


We have no stockholding link with any other financial institution

100% of stocks are owned by members of Alfaquest Saboya Assessors team

We don’t get any retrocession of fees from any entity or product

The Client chooses the depositary banks or entities as well as trading execution entities to work with

We don’t have proprietary products : we look for the best option in the market

Ethical code is inspired by CFA Institute principles


Investing in firms who adapt to environmental, social and governance sustainability factors (ESG) should lead to a better return adjusted to risk, while aligning with Client’s Values

We integrate ESG factors along all advisory steps : definition of the investment’s profile, elaboration of analysis and recommendations

We are the 1st financial advisory firm in Andorra signatory of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

We are the 1st financial advisory firm in Andorra signatory of the Global Investors Declaration to the Governments for the Climate Crisis

Exclusive service

Each Client is unique and requires specific solutions to meet its objectives and needs

Each Client has a dedicated personal advisor

Each advisor is dedicated to a limited number of Clients, and has a “back-up”

Clients will find a fluent communication in catalan, french, spanish and english

We conduct an initial diagnosis for any new Client, free of charge and with no engagement


Investing is a complex issue, but implementing innovation and best practices should allow us to make things easier for our Clients

Concerning technology, we invest with reference partners:

  • Databases, analysis & research services
  • Reporting to Clients, including a private Web Portal
  • Integration of ESG factors
  • Tools for multichannel communication
  • Integrated digital signature
  • Cloud private space with highest security and confidentiality standards

Concerning best practices, we are members of Fecif, European Federation of Financial Advisors and Intermediaries

All advisors have a18 to 30 years of experience u¡in the sector, as well as a solid academic and professional background
All advisors have combined asset management and advisory responsabilities, as well as customer relationship responsabilities


Gilbert Saboya

Gilbert Saboya

Founding partner

Licence of Economics by the University of Toulouse


More than 30 years of experience

Francesc Saboya

Francesc Saboya


Degree in Economics by the University of Perpignan


More than 25 years of experience

Anna Escoriza

Anna Escoriza


Degree in Business & Economics by the University of Barcelona


More than 25 years of experience

Enric Gali

Enric Gali


Degree in Business Management by ESADE of Barcelona


More than 20 years of experience

Maribel Tumi

Maribel Tumi


Degree in Business Management by European Business School of Paris


More than 20 years of experience

We are on your side

We provide 3 basic services based on transparent and competitive fees

Continued advisory (fees based on advised volume):
    • minimum 3.000 euros a year
    • between 500.000€ y 1.000.000€: 0,60%
    • more than 1.000.000€: 6.000€ + 0,20% of the amount exceeding 1.000.000€
    • Possibility tailor-made fee, based on a fixed forfait or performance fee*
On-demand advisory: 200€ per hour
Complementary services: to be defined

We always look for the optimal solution optimale in terms of cost

We control the correct application of fees according to negotiated tariffs with depositary entities

* We are not fond of “performance fees”: we consider that investments should be based on the Client’s profile and all the gains should be for the Client


Visit us at:

Prat de la Creu St., 8,
4th Floor, Office 403
AD500 Andorra la Vella

Call us at:

Tel. (+376) 828228 (+376) 828228

Send us a mail to:

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